lunes, 10 de diciembre de 2018

A subject you've enjoyed in this semester

Hi guys, me again!. I am a student in University of Chile and i have seven subject this semester: Epistemology, Classic sociological theory, Social History of Latin America, Population and society, Design of investigation, English and Voleyball. I am tempted to talk of Voleyball, but i chooise Epistemoly, because It has more to do with my career. In this case, I choose Epistemology, but I can not help but give an honorable mention to Classic Sociological Theory. In this subject, we study the nature of knowledge, justification, and the rationality of belief. 
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I choose this subject, because we have a good teacher, Juan Opazo, the "big boss" of the career. He is a Ph. D in Sociology, and he is a cool men. He is passionate for what it does, and he transmits that passion
This subject is pre requisist for a lot of cursos, so very important within the career
We have a two test writen, more a group essay, and a oral exam. Is a difficult subject, but you learn too much.

Tranks for read this blog!
Merry Chrismas and Happy new year!! 馃巿馃巿馃巿馃巿馃巿馃巿馃巿馃巿

lunes, 3 de diciembre de 2018

My favorite food

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My favorite food is a little bit complicated because I like so much the food, in general. I thought about pizza, "chorrillana", chinese food, etc. But I understand that I do not have a favorite food, I liked that  there is a lot of food. For all these reason, I guess my favorite food is barbecue.
This food consists in a lot of meat and some vegetable(maybe potatos, onions or carrots), cooked on a grill, for a about 20 minutes, but coal takes time to be ready.
This food is very cool to speak with the family, friends and to celebrate anything.
Resultado de imagen para homero y su parrillaI still remember the first time  I cook a barbecue, it was a disaster. I lacked coal, I wasted so much time and finished like a 6-7 pm, on a Sunday. It was my dad's birthday, he laughed too much at me, I was left as useless.Today I have a title of "guaton parrillero", my barbecue is so efficient and tasty. Even if  the meat have different cooking times.

lunes, 26 de noviembre de 2018

Who is a expert on your field that you admire?

Resultado de imagen para peter conradThis is Peter Conrad, sociologist and Doctor from USA, born in 1945, he received his first degree in Sociology at State University of New York at Buffalo and his Ph. D in 1976. He works in medical sociology, standing out his texts about ADHD(attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder), and genetics. In this field, the subject that mixed sociology and medicine, he has more than one hundred texts and chapters and so many collaborations in books, publishing himself some(more of twelve).
I like him for his subject work area and because he is contemporary, he is still working today(at 83 years). He works on an equal footing with the Medicine Department of Brandeis University, and he is chair in the program "Health: Science, Society and Policy", in which he teaches about how to operate the system of health in USA.
He has received numerous academic honors including the Charles Horton Cooley Award, all the prizes, for his work in the interdisciplinary field  of sociology and medicine.
Currently, he lives in Lincoln, Massachusetts, with, although he is not very beautiful, his wife, the Doctor(in medicine area) Libby Bradshaw.

lunes, 19 de noviembre de 2018

My favorite photo

My friends and me created a team, for playing a Championship "Nacional abierto de Pirque". We called "Malpaso Voley club" in honor to Pisco.
We played another Championship and reached podium even first place, so we were confident.
And we started horrible, lost the first match for a large score difference and one of the team,the men with t-shirt white and blue, finished injured.
Because of this, I had to play libero, although this is not my position. It's something like putting a goalkeeper as a forward. A total disaster.
I don't remember good, but we finished in third place, before a hard match. The prize was money, apart the balls and t-shirts, so, we did a barbecue. And we honored the name of the team.

The picture was taken by my dad, and the girl that appears in that moment was the fiancee of the man standing more to the right, and they are married now. We say mommy Jeshu and dad Seba.
I like this photo because my friends and family are there, and we continue ours friendship. Even someone making family.

lunes, 5 de noviembre de 2018

My favorite movie

I dont see many movies, I like more read books or comics, but, I think my favorite movie is Sherlock Holmes: Game of Shadows, because this movie is truthful to book.

Resultado de imagen para sherlock holmes juego de sombrasIn this second part of the saga of action and mistery (and a bit of comedy), Robert Downey Jr, same actor at Iron man, is a detective called Sherlock Holmes with Jude Law, in the film called Doctor Watson, and Naomi Rapace, Irene Adler in the movie, continue try catch the big villian, James Moriarty(Jared Harris) who is same intelligent at Holmes.
The argument is about how the Holmes gang, after a many problemens of union, try to stop Moriarty who plans terrorist act for start a war, and sell arms froms his factory.
I like this movie because I read the book, and i feel this film is so similar to the book, and, the main actor represents Holmes just as i imaginen, a bit of crazy, with social problems, very smart and eccentric.

lunes, 22 de octubre de 2018

Why choose the computer?

I think about three things: Cell phone, computer and video game console. If I have to choose, I guess computer because it has all the funcions the others have. 
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It is a tool that has many uses, with or without internet, in my case, mainly for playing games, but not only that. My love for this machine is for its versatility: Listening to music, watching movies, calling people, etc.
I had my first PC when I was like 12 years old, but I had one in my house. Since then, I have always had one in hand.
When I arrive home, the first thing I do is press the bottom "on" of my computer. I use a lot of time, I guess every time I am at home.
I don't imaging my life without the computer because I study, play, relax and comunic in this machine. 

lunes, 8 de octubre de 2018

Why did you choose this career?

When I was a child I wanted to be a volleyball player or a soldier.
After the PSU, my first option was Sociology in Universidad de Chile, second the same career in UC. Followed by Pedagogy in Mathematics in Universidad de Chile. I don't remember the order well, but Statistics and Economy in UC were there.
I decided that order when i talked to my dad about what to study, and he told me to think big. After that I thought about doing a little change in the Ministry of Sport, health or education.
My experience in the University is very well, I do so a lot of  sport and I have learned much. I suffered whit the strike, but I have enjoyed university life.
My utopian job would be in a Ministry, like I said before.

lunes, 1 de octubre de 2018

My biografy

Hello! I am Franco Acevedo, and I was born on the 26th of September, in Santiago, Chile.
I studied in 2 schools, Colegio Acr贸polis in my first years and Colegio Monte de As铆s, the rest of my life. I started to play chess in that last school, when I was around seven years old. I played so many championships, I even won someone

When I was 12 years old, I started to play volleyball in the club Universidad Cat贸lica. All of my family play this sport, so i learned first with them.

My hobbies are the sport, in general, not only voleyball. I especially like handball, cycling and trekking. 
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After School, I started to study  Sociology in Universidad de Chile, with the interest of upgrade the sport or the health in Chile.